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We want you to be happy with your order! We also know what it's like to shop online, and while we do our best to eliminate the guesswork with detailed descriptions and high quality product photos, sometimes you don't know until you take it out of the box that it's not right for you. For this reason we offer a 30 day 100% money back guarantee on most products.
We want to provide as cohesive and consistent of a return policy store-wide as we possibly can. That said, we do work with many vendors and carry a broad range of outdoor living products so there are some product and brand-specific restrictions we must adhere to. For this reason there is a "Shipping & Returns" tab on every product page and that is where you will find any product/brand-specific alterations to our general store policy. Please verify the return policy specifics for each product you purchase to ensure there are no special exclusions.
A Note On Shipping Costs: It's important to note that while we do offer free shipping on all orders over $200, this applies to non-returned items only. (As you might imagine, paying shipping costs for a product we didn't actually sell just doesn't make much sense, and for many of our larger items the shipping costs we're absorbing are not unsubstantial.) We definitely don't want you to get stuck with a product you're unhappy with and for that reason we will work with you to process a desired return for just about anything we sell (with a very select few exceptions that are clearly indicated in the "Shipping & Returns" tab of the product page). So, in the event of a return (for any reason outside of damaged or warrantied items) the customer will be responsible for all associated shipping costs, with the initial delivery shipping cost (the one we paid for when you placed your order) deducted from your final return.
All that said, if the product arrives damaged or faulty and needs to be returned for reasons beyond your control, we will work with you to get the matter resolved fairly and reasonably.